Case Study of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Psychological State of Employees in Algerian SMEs

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The coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) represents a problematic and problematizing upheaval in global health*. This pandemic has caused the confinement of entire populations, an increased number of severely affected patients and a very serious increase in overall mortality**.

The psychosocial risks linked to this pandemic cover professional risks which harm both the mental and physical health of workers and which have an impact on the proper functioning and performance of businesses as well as on the safety of the population.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought its share of fears, worries and uncertainties to the population. Several experts spoke of the negative repercussions that the pandemic and the containment measures put in place could have on the well-being of the mental and physical health of the population. They also expressed fears about the risks that symptoms would worsen in people already diagnosed with a mental disorder due to the disruption of access to care during the pandemic (fear of health establishments or inaccessibility of health providers). care).

Thus, given the problems posed by the corona pandemic and the changes that the world of work has undergone in companies of all sizes, our objective is to study to what extent workers and employees of companies have been affected by this pandemic and its impact on their psychophysiological and behavioral state; In addition, we offer a range of solutions to mitigate this impact and promote a strong and rapid recovery.

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