Psychology and Education Journal <h2><strong>PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (ISSN: 1553-6939)<br /></strong></h2> <div class="row" style="border: 1px solid grey; padding: 5px; text-align: justify;">Dear Authors and Researchers,<br />We would like to inform you that the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress has confirmed that the correct ISSN number of the Journal <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> is ISSN 1553-6939. This ISSN is to be used instead of ISSN 0033-3077 which is the ISSN that belongs to the former title, “<strong>Psychology</strong>.” Each time a journal undergoes a major change of title a new ISSN is assigned. <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> also has been assigned a Linking ISSN (ISSN-L). The ISSN-L is available for use when there is a need to identify and link to a continuing resource without regard to format, for example in services such as OpenURL, library catalogues, search engines or knowledge bases. The next issue of <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> will be published with ISSN 1553-6969. But the previous ISSN will be also available in the ISSN Portal to retrieve the record for <strong>Psychology</strong> because it remains the identifier for the former title <strong>Psychology</strong> and the articles published under that title.</div> <div class="row"> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Arts and Languages, Humanities, Social Sciences, Management and Economics, Law and Political Sciences, Sports Sciences, Psychology, Education Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, History, Philosophy, Media and Communication, Science and Technology, Engineering.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Psychology and Education</strong> <strong>(ISSN: 1553-6939)</strong> is a quality journal devoted to basic research, theory, and techniques and arts of practice in the general field of psychology and education. <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> is published bimonthly. There are numerous papers on important aspects of psychology and education which can find no place in the professional literature. This journal is dedicated to filling this void.<br />Preparation of manuscripts: In formal aspects, the manuscripts should follow closely the general directions given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). EXCEPTIONS: All data in photographs, tables, drawings, figures and graphs must be simplified and stated in the RESULTS section of the paper. All papers must be formatted in MSWord, typed, Times New Roman font #12, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins, and submitted electronically or printed manuscript in original copy. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of about 70-100 words. The manuscript and abstract should conform to the American Psychological Association Manual Style, 6th Edition.<br />Given the present trends in the publishing industry and to reach the global audience without any restrictions, we have opted to move the journal from subscription-based to Gold open access.<br />A shift in this mode has certain benefits:</p> <ul> <li>Increased usage and citation</li> <li>Easy compliance with institutional and funder mandates</li> <li>Retention of copyright by authors</li> <li>Greater public engagement</li> <li>Faster impact</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Psychology and Education</strong>, the Editor, nor the Board of Editors (individually or collectively), assumes no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion in the papers printed. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions. Advertising rates supplied on request. Books for review should be sent to the Editor.<br />Articles in <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> are listed in PsycINFO, American Psychological Association (APA), Scopus,, and shared with other websites, and numerous gratis copies are mailed to the Library of Congress, EBSCO subscription services, and universities in developing countries overseas.</p> </div> Psychology and Education en-US Psychology and Education Journal 1553-6939 PARENTAL TREATMENT METHODS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE CHILD <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The family is the first origin of man, but it is the first image of life, through which the child grows and grows up and acquires extensive skills and experiences that qualify him to integrate into his society.&nbsp;In which parents play an important and distinct role in building the personality of their children in all its aspects through their daily and permanent treatment of them, where they motivate them - children - skills to deal with various situations and enhance their desire to defend their own rights as well as express their feelings, desires, beliefs and opinions,&nbsp;and all this can only be under a balanced family in treatment with its children.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;An unbalanced family often produces children who are unable to express and defend their opinions and beliefs, and more than that, they will inevitably be more vulnerable to psychological and social problems than others in a society that does not recognize the weak or hesitant.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Hence the importance of this research paper to address the most important methods of parental treatment while highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.&nbsp;In this context, we will address the various methods of parental treatment, which are the main determinants of the future of children's personalities, whether methods of acceptance or methods of rejection.</p> Dr.Nadjoua Felkaoui Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 1 9 "THE ROOTING OF MARGINAL LITERATURE IN CONTEMPORARY ALGERIAN NOVELS THROUGH THE "DETECTIVE NOVEL”, CASE STUDY: “BIMADA TAHLUMU DI’AB?” (WHAT DO WOLVES DREAM OF?) <p>The diversity experienced by the Arab novel in general, and the Algerian one in particular, in terms of genres, themes, and visions, has made it one of the most prevalent and esteemed literary genres. The Algerian novel has always been, and continues to be, pioneering in establishing its place from its foundational stage to the present day.</p> <p>This study concluded that the Algerian novelistic achievement distinguished itself by undergoing radical transformations, especially after falling into the trap of commercialism and merely seeking profit at the expense of the true purpose of literature; this is particularly evident in what is known as the detective novel. This was confirmed by Yasmina Khadra's novel “Bimada Tahlumu Di’ab?” (What Do Wolves Dream of?)</p> Yasmina Khadhra, Merdaci Imene Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 10 21 THE ARGUMENTATIVE RHETORICAL METHODS IN THE POEM OF “ HIZIYA” BY IBN GUITON <p>Algerian folk poetry is a high-level masterpiece that expresses the hopes of the people in a distinctive form. This study aims to provide an argumentative reading of the rhetorical methods in the poem of&nbsp; “Hiziya “ by Ibn Guiton.</p> Bourezg Afaf , Saidani Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 22 39 THE LANGUAGE AND CONCEALMENT OF SUFI SIGNIFICATION IN THE POETRY OF IBN AL-FARID <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IbnAl-Faridh is considered the poet of divine love. this is what shows the extent of&nbsp; harmony between poetry and Sufism in his poetry and mysticism.Hisbook,which includes the principles of Gnosticism, is concidered the most important belief on which Sufism is based.</p> Baki Abderrahmane Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 40 52 The Importance Of Integrating Environmental Education Into School Curricula <p>The study aimed&nbsp;to show the role played by the process of including environmental education within the curriculum, by integrating the concepts of the environment and the mechanisms of preserving it in the educational process and providing young people with knowledge, skills and values of individual and collective responsibility towards solving environmental problems, so spreading environmental awareness in schools through the curriculum will create a generation capable of caring for the environment and protecting it from dangers.</p> Dr. Amireche Nadjoua Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 53 62 WRITING AND CALLIGRAPHY: FROM THE COSMOLOGY OF PRACTICAL FUNCTION TO THE SPECIFICITY OF ARTISTIC CREATIVITY STUDY OF ARABIC CALLIGRAPHY SKILLS AND PRACTICES <p>Calligraphy is the art of perfecting writing from an ordinary style to a masterpiece. It is a universal art that was designed by Arabs and Arabic-speaking communities, especially during the golden age of Islamic civilization. It was during that time that many styles were developed, bringing with them diverse techniques with various mediums and practices. Thus, calligraphy was first practiced on parchment and hardened papers (Waraq Moukahar) and fabric. The Arabic calligraphy was subsequently drawn and engraved on marble, wood and metal for the decoration of palaces, mosques, political, and commercial spaces, even tombstones.</p> <p>While the first vocation of art is education, calligraphy has surpassed its practical function of writing to teach men deeper values marked by spirituality and a renewed sense of beauty and aesthetics. The teaching and learning practices of calligraphy are not limited to a specific gender or age group, they therefore support socialization projects and strengthen the mechanisms for acquiring personal and psychological skills.</p> Dr.BENABDALLAH Zahia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 63 80 Citizens Communication Via E-Mail With The E-Government Services. An Exploratory Study Of A Sample Of An Algerian Citizens From Ouargla Province <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to identify the extent of using e-government services by citizens in the Algerian society and figure out the reality of e-government services from the point of view of the citizens. The study was conducted from January until May 2022 using a direct observation tool based on the qualitative approach. The current study concluded that the citizens at Ouargla communicate has a less percentage with e-government services due to the specificity of Algerian society by interconnecting it in paper transactions and not changing their lifestyle. Roger's theory of the proliferation of innovations states that the members of society are in a stage of awareness of these electronic public services.</p> MERABET HADJER, BADDANI FOUAD Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 81 97 NEWS VALUES IN VARIOUS MEDIA SYSTEMS <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In this article, we address the topic of news values that have occupied the attention of many researchers and scholars in the field of media and communication, whether related to empirical studies (quantitative) or qualitative studies (qualitative), and this is after many researchers carried out scientific research and studies (scientific articles, books, Theses...) centered on the nature of news values adopted in the process of making news and news bulletins in the media. The vision of this research focuses on the nature of the news values on which the media depends and those in charge of the communication and media process (journalists, media professionals, editors-in-chief...) and this in various media systems (authoritarian, capitalist, socialist, Islamic, developing countries.</p> Adlane Zerrouk Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 98 113 SOCIAL NETWORKS AND SOCIAL CHANGES <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The idea of social media came in the context of social, entertainment, cultural acquaintance, where the expansion of its use witnessed a terrible form that was not expected even by the owners of the production of these same networks, as it had a great impact outwardly and inwardly on the awareness of peoples of different audiences, environments, cultures and religions, so they took new ways and took new roles in research and dissemination of information.</p> <p>Uses have evolved from mere entertainment to changes that have become significant in changing the social lives of individuals, groups, and even states and governments.</p> <p>No medium can develop without a direct relationship with the public, as the inevitability and laws of the media market dictate this. The Internet has been characterized by high speed and infinite magnitude, and the development of its abilities to think and control the scales of time, and the lack of recognition of geographical, ethnic, religious and even age differences helped its users to think differently than it was, which is the essence of the social change taking place, which led to interaction in different ways as well and is not subject to the same social laws or even known values that were circulating before. These networks and their developers led the new world order, shaped its culture, guided its policies and controlled its economy.</p> Akrout Farida Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 114 129 SEMIOTIC DENOTATIONS IN TRADITIONAL MOSTAGANEM CLOTHING: CHEDDA OF MOSTAGANEM AS AN EXAMPLE <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>The objective of this study is to expose the different dimensions and the semantics of the Algerian traditional clothing using “chedda of Mostaganem” as an example in order to discover and derive the implicit and explicit semantics of this clothing. The chedda of Mostaganem is not merely a traditional clothing worn by the Algerian bride as garnish, it holds a way deeper significance as it’s considered a historical and cultural heritage and a tangible representation of the Mostaganem society’s culture, the one it belongs to. As it is part of the Mostaganem woman’s identity which functions as a consumer, a holder and a responsible for the transmission of this physical heritage from one generation to another throughthe process of socialization.</p> Samira Menad, Noria Aissaabdi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 130 139 CYBERSECURITY CHALLENGES OF ALGERIAN NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE ROLE OF THE LEGALSYSTEM IN CONFRONTING THEM <p>The rapid and extensive technological development in the world of computing and the internet, unprecedented in previous decades, has led to the accumulation of vast amounts of information, files, and various topics converging through digital media and communication networks, now known as cyberspace or the informational world. This reservoir of information and secrets is stored in information storage stations, in addition to the availability of stations and centers to ensure the flow of internet service. This abundance of information has led to the exploitation of this information by what is known as information pirates (criminals) or cybercriminals, which often negatively affects the national security of countries, especially weak and developing nations.</p> <p>In this regard, the article is divided into three sections, with an introduction preceding these sections and a conclusion that summarizes the presented ideas and discussions within this scientific article. This summary will also touch upon some assumptions and problematic issues that should accompany this scientific summary.</p> <p>The first section is titled: "Traditional National Security and the Emergence of New Concepts," relating to the most important developments in the field of international relations and the renewal of concepts of national security according to the requirements of the modern era, up to digital security or cyber national security for each country separately.</p> Dr. BENAGOUNE Aissa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 140 165 THE MOTIVATION OF ATHLETES AND THE IMPORTANCE IN THE FIELD <p>As a lecture teacher, I have studied the subject of motivation and its importance for several years since 2009 until now, whether in the subject of sports psychology or the subject of pedagogy. Each batch graduated from the Higher School of Sports Science and Technologies, I was asking the student who will graduate as a sports consultant to attend this lecture because of its importance. This interactive topic allows a student to know what motivation, the functions of motivations, division and classification of motives, their importance, forms and types, characteristics of high achievement motives and their sources of motivations and their</p> <p>relationship to sports achievement. The role of the trainer in the motivation of sports activity and the role of the sports psychologist in raising the motivation of athletes</p> Dr. Mersellab Kheira Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 166 175 The Smash Serve And Its Effectiveness In Volleyball Matches Among Algerian Senior First Division Players <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Our study aims to draw the attention of coaches and players to the offensive sending technique (the smash service) in volleyball, as well as to focus on it and give it importance to ensure success and a smooth progress, thus supporting the advancement of Algerian volleyball. We followed a descriptive analytical approach, where the sample represented 20% of the original population, consisting of ten national teams divided into two groups. Group A includes teams from the west and west-central regions, while Group B includes teams from the east and east-central regions.</p> <p>We found that players frequently use the smash sending compared to the tennis sending, but on the other hand, it does not score many points.</p> Sahnoun M’Hammed , Ikene Soumaya Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 176 194 AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS USING THE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) AMONG FOOTBALL PLAYERS ACCORDING TO PLAYING POSITIONS <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study aimed to highlight the importance of physical requirements for football players and the role of the (GPS) system in determining the physical requirements for football players under 21 years old at Shabibet el kabayle club. The researchers identified differences between players in terms of endurance and speed based on different playing positions. The researchers used a descriptive approach suitable for the study topic, and the research sample included 10 players from Shabibet el kabayle club under 21 years old who are active in the Algerian professional first division league. The researchers relied on (GPS) to collect the necessary data for the study.</p> <p>The researchers have reached a set of results, the most important of which are as follows:<br>- There are statistically significant differences in the endurance attribute among the players of Shabibet el Kabyle football team according to playing positions for the under 21 category.<br>- There are statistically significant differences in the speed attribute among the players of of Shabibet el Kabyle football team according to playing positions for the under 21 category.</p> Almani Ahmed Zohir, Benchouita Belkacem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-30 2024-03-30 61 3 195 204 Women Representation In The Algerian Political Institutions <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research examines the historical perspective of women's involvement in Algerian politics from 1962 to 2020. The primary objective is to investigate the factors that have impacted women's political participation, the challenges they have faced, and the progress made towards achieving gender parity in politics. Based on a variety of primary and secondary sources, including official records, publications, and scholarly works, this study demonstrates that Algerian women have made significant progress in politics in recent decades. However, they still face numerous challenges, including cultural and societal barriers, deep-seated patriarchal beliefs, and a lack of support from political factions. Despite the obstacles, women in Algeria are increasingly recognizing their political rights and participating actively in decision-making processes.</p> Dr. Souad Guessar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 205 216 Influencer Credibility On Instagram And Its Impact On Consumer Purchase Behavior: A Sample Study In The Para-Pharmaceutical Sector <p>In contemporary advertising, influencer marketing has emerged as a prominent strategy, notably on Instagram. This study employs the framework of Ohanian's source credibility model (1990) to investigate the credibility of influencers on Instagram and its subsequent influence on consumer purchase behavior. Utilizing a survey-based methodology and employing statistical analysis through SPSS, responses were gathered from a sample of 100 participants.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The findings reveal a direct and positive relationship between influencer credibility and consumer purchase behavior. These results provide valuable insights for businesses and marketers seeking to optimize their brand's digital presence in the modern era.</p> Rayene Nedjoua, Wafa Maoua, Toubi Abd el Malek Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 217 231 The Scientific And Cultural Dimension Of Arab (Codicology) <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Codicology is the science that is mainly concerned with the manuscript industry in its material aspect. It is meant to study every trace that is not linked to the main text of the book written by the author. Rather, this science deals in the first place with the material elements of the manuscript book represented in: paper type, ink, trimming, binding, as well as the volume of the booklet, numbering, and comments. It also includes all that is written on the cover page (back) such as hearings, readings, licenses, interviews, and restrictions.</p> <p>Based on defining various concepts and terminology of this science, our research paper tries to answer a set of questions:</p> <p>First of all, what is meant by the science of manuscript?</p> <p>Then, what are the most important areas this science is meant to study?</p> <p>And, how does (Codicology) contribute to the manuscript authentication process?</p> <p>Finally, what is the scientific and cultural value that this science has added to the Islamic and Arab civilization<strong>?</strong></p> Dr.Mohamed BELMEKKI , Dr.Mohamed GHALEM Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 232 242 Engineering Design Of The Physical Environment And Physical Conditions In Primary Schools <p>This study aimed to evaluate the application of ergonomic standards in primary schools in order to detect defects in the engineering design of the physical environment in terms of: buildings, spaces, and equipment, and identifying the reality of the physical conditions in terms of: noise, lighting, vision, colors, Heating, air conditioning, ventilation, the descriptive analytical method was adopted. The study sample represented Al-Mudjahid Hamdani Omar primary school, Dar chioukh, Djelfa. it was chosen by purposive sampling, structured observation was applied as a tool for collecting data and some devices were used to measure physical conditions. The results of the study resulted in the absence The planning element and the failure to apply the rules of ergonomics in primary school in a way that is consistent with the message of the Algerian school. It also included some recommendations.</p> Dr.KADDOURI Mhammed, KHOBEIZI Laggoun Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 243 263 THE CONUNDRUM OF TRANSLATING SOCIAL NETWORKING NEOLOGISMS FROM ENGLISH INTO ARABIC A CORPUS-BASED STUDY <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Social networking neologisms are distinctly an intricate aspect facing contemporary translators in their translation journey as newly invented terms and expressions continue to pour in daily. Considering the fact that social networking technologies are by far the most generative sources of neologisms in recent times, the present study is chiefly concerned with the translational chaos these terms have had on the process of crafting Arabic equivalents due to their peculiar aspects. Based on a random corpus, the study purports to investigate instances of loose translations and inadequate equivalents that fell into a dearth of non-technical meanings as a result of a lack of term standardization and other compelling factors. The results were aligned with Newmark’s view that neologisms are determinably a current translation challenge.</p> Dr.Hamza Benacherine, Dr. Noureddine Kentaoui Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 264 275 The Effect Of Social Support On Mental Immunity In Cancer Patients <p>The purpose of this study is to learn about the effect of social support on psychological immunity in cancer patients, and the sample of the study consisted of 41 cancer patients of the kidneys. "Males, females" and two measures were applied, one measuring social support, while the second was for psychological immunity, and the statistical package for social sciences was used "spss v 26, and the statistical methods of: The equation, the simple regression coefficient of predicting how low or high psychological immunity is influenced by social support, and researchers have come to a conclusion: Social support has an impact on psychiatric immunity in cancer patients.</p> Menasri Asma, Boutaani Farid, Nefidsa Fatima Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 276 285 NARRATIVE TENSE ISSUE: FUNDAMENTALS, CONCEPT, AND LEVELS. <p>Tense issue is an ancient one that occupied an important range of human thought and different fields of research such as natural sciences, physics, philosophy, grammar, rhetoric, linguistics and criticism. It was considered as natural phenomenon for being a result of natural movements, philosophers see in it an existential movement, for historians it is a space for historical events, and in linguistics it is morphological and grammatical tense; the first is indicated by the form of the verb out of sentence, the second is the sentence or the context's tense which is not indicated by the isolated word but by the convergence of presumptions in the sentence. Grammarians and philosophers have the same tense definition, both believe in a correspondence relation between linguistic world and natural one on the basis that a temporal relation links man to language. However, linguistics gave a different perspective, Benvenist distinguished between physical tense and events tense, he proposed a notion of linguistic tense that emphasizes the human experience, this tense defines its centre through the discourse actuality.</p> Mouna Barhoumi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 286 300 The Making Of The Noble Mus’haf In The Islamic West(From The Conquest To The Ziyani Era) <p>The Qur'an was intermittently revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and Muslims memorised it and wrote it down on various materials such as leaves, bones and skins. After the Prophet's time, there was a need to compile the Qur'an, and the first compilation took place during the time of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. The second compilation took place during the reign of Othman Ibn Affan, who ordered the Qur'an to be transcribed into unified manuscripts with a standardised script. These manuscripts served as a constant reference for people to recite, copy and distribute in different regions. Since then, the word "Mus’haf" has been used to refer to the Book of Allah, characterised by its bound pages between covers. The Othmani Mus’haf spread throughout the Muslim lands and reached the Islamic West through conquerors during the Umayyad period. Muslims there also copied it and developed their skills in calligraphy, illumination, binding and other related crafts. The making of the Noble Mus’haf thus became an independent industry with its own arts, techniques and practitioners.</p> Laribi Ismahene Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 301 325 MESSENGER OF ISLAM BETWEEN ABUSE AND FAIRNESS IN THE WEST <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This paper aims to explain the West’s view of the Holy Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) and his status among them. The study found that Western thought oscillates between two main positions regarding the noble Prophetic Sunnah: some are fair and moderate, and some are abusive and hateful, as the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) is exposed from time to time to attacks by others, and this happens over time. Based on backgrounds and principles that affect all aspects of life; Which requires finding appropriate methods to correct this view, and clarify the true concept of Islam in general, and of the honorable biography of the Prophet in particular.</p> Mansar Habiba Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 326 340 Electoral Crimes And The Penalties Prescribed For Them In Algeria, A Study In Light Of The Provisions Of Ordinance 21-01 Related To Elections <p>Elections are considered a fundamental right in democracy, and guarantee the people's participation in decision-making and choosing those who represent them in government. Implementing controls and mechanisms that guarantee the integrity of the electoral process is crucial to ensuring the transparency and credibility of the results in Algeria. Mechanisms have been provided to ensure the integrity of the elections through a set of procedures that cover the various stages of the electoral process.</p> <p>Among these procedures, the Algerian electoral legislator ensured that the electoral process would proceed in a timely manner, starting from the preparatory stage until voting and announcing the results. These procedures include monitoring the temporal and physical aspects of the electoral process, in addition to monitoring the conduct of voting and the counting process to ensure the comprehensiveness and integrity of the process.</p> Younes Bensalem, Dali Said Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 341 361 PROPHETIC INTERPRETATION OF THE NOBLE QUR'AN: BETWEEN INTELLECTUAL SATISFACTION AND EMOTIONAL JOY. <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to shed light on the frequency of prophetic interpretation, taking into account both intellectual arguments and methods that appeal to the intellect. Intellectual satisfaction has convinced many people who adhere to logical reasoning, and people have adopted different approaches in this regard. Among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, we find those who searched for the cause and purpose, extracted the apparent meaning, and fully complied with the prescribed actions or abstentions. In addition, the reality of emotional pleasure is an inner market that burns the heart in accordance with the commands of the beloved, even at the expense of the religiously obligated. The criteria for judgement in this field become blurred, and the concerns of the individual in search of purpose or cause are obscured. These approaches merge into the most complete and ideal methodology exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad in his interpretation of the verses of the Noble Qur'an.</p> Adjdir Nadsreddine, Tagrerout Hicham, Sardi Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 362 372 STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELECTIVE ATTENTION AND WRITING DIFFICULTIES IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between selective attention and writing difficulties among primary school students. The study adopted a descriptive correlational approach, using the Draw-a-Person Test to assess intelligence level, the Mariam Ben Bouzid Writing Test and the Stroop Test, which were administered to 6 students in the third and fourth grades of primary school.</p> <p><strong>The results showed the following:</strong></p> <p>- The presence of writing difficulties among third and fourth grade primary school students.</p> <p>- The presence of selective attention difficulties in third and fourth graders.</p> <p>- A positive and moderate correlation between selective attention and writing difficulties in primary school children.</p> kouidri Leyla, Dr. Nadjia Tigamounine Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 373 391 THE HORIZON OF RECEIVING AND THE DOORS OF AESTHETIC INTERPRETATION IN THE JASMINE COLLAR NOVEL BY WASSINI L AARADJ <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The aesthetics of reception is considered the process corresponding to depositing, which requires a distinguished reader with long experience and a deep culture that allows him to understand and interpret the text by determining its decoding and determining the aesthetic and artistic features in it. The aesthetic distance that it achieves by breaking the reader’s horizon of waiting is the first advantage over the artistic and aesthetic and the evidence of creativity in it. Contemporary novelist.</p> <p>Hence the study came to search for the relationship of the narrative text with the reader in the Algerian novel and his reaction as a model reader and to determine The aesthetics of the text that the writer directs to him and leaves him with the linens. One of the hypotheses that can be put forward as a preliminary expectation is that the novelist can achieve aesthetic distance by breaking all the expectations built by this recipient.</p> Hanich Rabea Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 61 3 392 401 ADMINISTRATIVE EMPOWERMENT AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE WITHIN SPORTS INSTITUTIONS (A FIELD STUDY AT THE DIRECTORATE OF YOUTH AND SPORTS IN M'SILA) <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study aimed to identify the relationship between administrative empowerment for outstanding performance within the sports institution (the Directorate of Youth, Sports, M’Sila). In order to achieve these concessions for us on a descriptive space, we were also able to conduct two questionnaires, the first of which was useful for administrative empowerment for outstanding performance in order to find out the relationship between the diversities of research. The number of employees (42) was distributed to the study, and after the basic statistical data, the study concluded with the following results: There is a relationship between diversity and administrative empowerment (communication, work teams, and incentives) as well as excellence in the Youth and Sports Directorate of M’Sila State.</p> Triche Lahcen, Khadar Khaled Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 61 3 402 417 THE ANCIENT CITY OF ZANA « DIANA VETERANORUM » HISTORY AND RESEARCH <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to highlight the importance of cultural heritage through the archaeological site of the city of Zana El baydaa .( Diana Viteranorum ).As we try to find scientific and practical solutions related to preservation and maintenance. To take this site back into consideration. Wherein maintenance and restoration are considered as the most important main methods that&nbsp; aim to achieve this, to preserve&nbsp; this heritage and other natural and cultural resources in the region and its development. through its rehabilitation ,maintenanceand preservation &nbsp;to <a href="">serve future generations.</a> Depending on maintenance and restoration. Therefore this study came to highlight the diagnosis of the archaeological site of the city of Zana and demonstrate its historical and archaeological importance.</p> CHERIFI Mourad, FILAH Mouhamed Mustpha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 61 3 418 424 THE URBAN CITY AND MULTIPLE IDENTITIES <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sociology has been concerned through many of its branches with an approach to the social and human phenomenon in general in an attempt to understand the size of the various effects on human behavior, highlighting at the same time the features of social change, which is among the most important variables of social phenomena, if not the most important at all, this change, whose faces vary according to the environments of social life, and here the distinction between the Bedouin and urban communities, through the impact of each structure, whether urban or rural, on the social act, which is the outcome of the interaction Elements of the environment forming it</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It is also not possible to talk about the impact of environments without talking about an important fact of identity, which in turn is a product of the state of interaction between the elements of the environment, but the environment is the one that determines the form and nature of this identity as well as its strength when talking about the relationship of identity to social cohesion within the city, hence the focus of this scientific paper was an attempt to read the reality of identity within the city or what we can call urban identity.</p> DERDERI Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 61 3 425 435 AL FALAH ALHURAA SCHOOL IN TOUGGOURT AREA (CIRCUMSTANCES OF ITS INCEPTION, OBSTACLES TO ITS ESTABLISHMENT STAGES, AND ITS PROGRAMS) <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The Oued Righ (Righ Valley) region witnessed at the beginning of the nineteenth century a scientific and cultural stagnation, followed by the spread of heresies, myths and sorcery. However, the matter in the region did not remain the same as the colonists had hoped, in terms of illiteracy, ignorance, and corrupt beliefs. Due to the visits of reform leaders to the region they were able to establish the Al-Falah Charitable Religious Association to be an administrative front that enables them to open a free Arab school, and they missed the opportunity to the military devices that were preventing the activities of the Ulema Association in this country.</p> Haroun Rashid Benmoussa, A- Abdel Hamid Qadri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 61 3 436 451 THE SECULARISM OF THE MODERN STATE AND THE SEPARATION BETWEEN SPIRITUAL SOVEREIGNTY AND TEMPORAL POWER -A READING OF RENÉ GUENON’S CRITICISM OF THE ORIGINS OF MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT- <p>Authority is perceived as an essential element in the political aspect, for it expresses the application of ideas in practical reality, in which; authoritarian practice demands action and existence within the societal and social organizations framework. Terms such as “Secularism” and “Laïcité” refer to the idea of separating religion from social institutions, the former termis often linked to a philosophy that should not be influenced by religious interpretations and does not influence public decisions. This term has been associated with modernity and Enlightenment, and was referred to by sociologists such as Durkheim and Weber. Secularism is insistent on separating&nbsp;religion from various fields such as education and politics, and resists social systems that are built on religion and class discrimination, and this promotes justice and harmony in society. Initiating from this perspective, we can consider our modern societies as examples of secular societies.</p> Atia Benatia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 61 3 452 471 THE PERCEPTION ABILITIES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH MOTOR COORDINATION IN 6-7-YEAR-OLD PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study came in order to know the nature of the relationship between some perception abélites and motor coordination among students 6-7 years old in the primary stage in the physical education and sports class. In order to achieve this, we used the descriptive, correlational approach on a sample of 20 students, and we used the Haywood scale.</p> <p>&nbsp;To measure perception abilities and test motor coordination. Finally, we concluded that there is a strong positive relationship between the level of perception abilities and motor coordination among students 6-7 years old in the physical education and sports class.</p> Ababsa Houssam Eddine, Kermiche Abd Elemalek Farid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 61 3 472 481 PRODUCTIONS REFORMULATIVES EN CLASSE DE FLE, EXPLICATION ET TRANSMISSION DE SAVOIRS <p>Frequently used as a method in language learning, reformulative productions play a crucial role in interactions between learners and teachers in the classroom. Our current study focuses on analyzing this explanatory technique in the context of teaching French as a foreign language (FLE). The teacher, who is the main actor in this environment, often faces situations of misunderstandings or incomprehension regarding the course content. In such circumstances, they resort to reformulations to convey the message clearly and facilitate understanding among their audience.</p> AFRI Maya Ines, BENTOUNSI Ikram Aya Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 61 3 482 491 THE MESSAGE OF ISLAMIC SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL CIVILIZATION IN ANDALUSIA – THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE <p>The West recognizes, and the testimonies of its scholars, the scientific merit and achievements made by Arab-Islamic civilization, through the efforts of its scholars, for humanity, in various sciences, most notably medical sciences within the framework of what was known as "scientific civilization" and the experimental scientific method that moved scientific research .To advanced stages, which took giant steps that the West benefited from, until it reached what it is today, as European universities were influenced by Arab sciences ، It relied on the huge Arab-Islamic heritage, and its teaching approach became for many centuries .Also, the fact that humanity’s need for treatment is an urgent, inevitable necessity, in the integration of those efforts aimed at eliminating all diseases that were affecting the human body, by trying to explain them, understand their causes, and then diagnose them to find their own treatment, and from there medical studies received great attention.</p> Dr. Sekakkou Houria,Dr. Maaziz Abdelkader,Dr. hacini Abdelkader Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 61 3 492 499 THE MANIFESTATION OF IDENTITY AND REPRESENTATIONS OF THE OTHER, THE WEST, IN THE NOVEL “GIANTS OF THE NORTH” BY NAJIB AL-KILANI <p>The novel Giants of the North, by its Egyptian author Najib Al-Kilani, is considered one of the Islamic novels. This novel has received clear attention from readers and occupied a space in the studies of critics and scholars. This study monitors “the dialectics of the self and the other in the novel “Giants of the North” by Dr. Najeeb Al-Kilani, by identifying a set of visions that dominated the narrative and the fictional text. By relying on a historical methodology concerned with identifying images of the known historical stages in the novel. Najeeb Al-Kilani relied on An applied analytical artistic methodology that highlights the fundamental issues, thematic themes, and prominent semantic phenomena in the novel.</p> Fatiha halloui Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-06 2024-04-06 61 3 500 505 DURKHEIM AND THE SECULARIZATION OF MORAL EDUCATION <p>This article deals with moral education as designed by Emile Durkheim in a book "Moral education" in order to stand up to the meaning that it has built for this education, by intervening at the evolutionary level by separating religion from morality and establishing new elements to ensure that the personality of the French citizen is formed in the framework of interruptions with traditional relations with religion in the French society in which Durkheim lived and engaged in solving his crises.</p> Dr. Ghania Dif Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 61 3 506 516 THE IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIAL COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS ON THE QUALITY OF WORK RELATIONSHIPS – A CONCEPTUAL DIMENSION IN POSITIVE ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: <p>The problem statement of this study came as an attempt to find out the implications of social communication protocols within organizations on the quality of work relationships in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In order to study this problem, the researcher tested the study hypotheses, which comprise the following dimensions: the protocol of social distancing, the protocol of remote learning, and the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was randomly selected, consisting of 33 employees. A questionnaire, made up of 43 statements was relied upon in collecting data, while the descriptive-analytical approach was employed to interpret and statistically process the obtained information, in order to understand the correlation between the two variables, utilizing the Spearman’s correlation coefficient.</p> Lakhdar Benghenam Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 61 3 517 531 EFFECTS OF MODERN MEDIA ON THE ARABIC LANGUAGE <p>This article addresses the relationship between media and the Arabic language and its impact on it, focusing primarily on the painful reality our language has reached. It attempts to diagnose the problems in this relationship with the aim of eventually building a future vision for what the Arabic language should be like in these media. This research comes for several reasons, most notably the importance of the Arabic language. In our current time, especially with the significant technological development in the world and the emergence of modern communication networks, preserving the Arabic language has become more necessary than ever before, especially in our Islamic world.</p> Mohamed Kouchenane, Mohamed Foudil Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 61 3 532 540 TECHNIQUES AND METHODS OF MENTAL TRAINING FOR HIGH-LEVEL ATHLETES <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to explore the techniques and methods of mental training used by high-level athletes. Mental training is a modern approach that helps athletes acquire motor skills, enhance their ability to perform them consistently and develop them further. It also enables athletes to implement these skills during competitions and achieve high-level athletic achievements. These achievements require significant use of psychological and mental skills, such as concentration, attention, perception, mental imagery, and relaxation. These skills are essential for decision-making during performance, and therefore, they should be emphasized throughout the preparation and training process to help athletes reach high levels of performance.</p> Dr. AITOUAZZOU MOHAND OUAMER, Dr. BENAZIZ HANANE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 61 3 541 549 INVESTMENT IN SPORTS FACILITIES AND SPECIFIC RESOURCES FOR ATHLETES IN THE CONTEXT OF GRANTING EXPLOITATION PRIVILEGES AND WEALTH CREATION IN ALGERIA - A FIELD STUDY IN STATE SPORTS INSTITUTIONS AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES <p>This research aims to shed light on the reality of investment in sports facilities, units and specific resources for athletes within the framework of granting exploitation privileges and wealth creation in Algeria. It examines the role played by such investments in contributing to the construction and development of the nation amidst the growth of various strategies. The study seeks to identify the benefits, diagnose the obstacles and challenges faced in the practical implementation of the granting of exploitation privileges to athletes. It also explores the relationship between the expertise of sports investment specialists and the alignment between profit increase and customer satisfaction, with the<br />aim of wealth creation through operational planning and analysis of the relationship between cost, volume and profit. The research methodology adopts a descriptive approach, with the research community consisting of administrators and managers from the Algerian Ministry of Youth and Sports. The sample was randomly selected and the research instrument was a questionnaire designed based on the research objectives and questions, targeting experienced administrators and managers within the research sample. Through the analysis of the collected data and statistical processing, the research concludes that investment in sports facilities, units and specific resources for athletes within the framework of granting exploitation rights contributes to wealth creation in Algeria. The granting of exploitation rights includes all state-owned sports facilities and units at the local level.</p> Saghi Abdelkader Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 61 3 550 575 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF VISUAL MEMORY IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM DISORDER (CLINICAL STUDY) <p>The aim of the study&nbsp; which is entitled: neuropsychological evaluation of visual memory in children with autism disorder, aims to know the level of visual memory in children with autism spectrum disorder .The study was conducted on a sample of 4 cases between the ages of 9 and 13 years with autism disorder of medium degree, where it included both sexes, 3 boys and one girl, they were selected from the study population in an intentional and organized manner, as it was diagnosed before, in addition to our use of their health cards available with the specialist. Psychological for the purpose of collecting private information. case-specific. The study tools included the visual memory test Peanut clown scale to measure the visual working memory of space, and the study relied on choosing the appropriate clinical approach for it. After collecting and analyzing the information and subjecting the research group to testing, the results of the study resulted in the absence of a defect in spatial storage and visual perception so that they have an excellent retrieval level, which indicated their high absorption and therefore they have a good and distinct visual memory.</p> Dr. Boucherit Saci Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 61 3 576 599 THE COMPOSITION OF EMPLOYEES AND THEIR RETURN ON JOB PERFORMANCE AND ON THE ORGANIZATION’S PRODUCTION <p>The process of economic and social development does not succeed without human resources, and the latter is considered the main axis in facing the challenges of the times and its successive changes and keeping pace with rapid developments in all fields .This is why it has received great attention from organizations, especially with their awareness that attracting and employing human minds, and embracing intellectual and cognitive capabilities .Mental and creative energies at the present time are not considered a sufficient basis for achieving effective performance in an environment characterized by fluctuations and surprises ، Rather, it must be developed and its performance constantly increased, and this will only be possible through the practice of scientific training.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The formation of any human resource is considered one of the matters that receives great attention in administrative and organizational thought due to its relationship to the level of the individual’s profitability in the institution in which he works. It is one of the means used by the administration in order to develop and develop the scientific and behavioral capabilities of workers and advance him to achieve prosperity, growth and continuity of the organization. By training their employees, organizations aim to fill their knowledge gaps that negatively affect their performance .Therefore, the training of individuals is necessary in the event that their level of performance declines due to the presence of cognitive deficiencies that have a lack of qualifications or negative attitudes in their behavior. This is done through the performance evaluation process, which is considered One of the important processes and basic tools on which the success of any administrative organization depends to reach high rates of efficiency And productivity. Therefore, evaluating the performance of employees in any institution represents one of the main functions that it must perform to reveal strengths and weaknesses, determine the efficiency of employees’ performance of their work, and take all necessary measures.</p> Dr.Mahjoub Noureddine, Dr. Maaziz Abdelkader Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 61 3 600 610 مظاهر الرفض الثقافي للوجود الانثوي في المجتمع الجزائري دراسة لعينة من الامثال الشعبية الجزائرية <p>سيركز هذا المقال على صور الرفض الثقافي للوجود الأنثوي من خلال الأمثال الشعبية الجزائرية &nbsp;وذلكالاجتماعية بعدم الزواج أو العنوسة وهي حقيقة غير خافية يتم التعبير عنها بأشكال متنوعة وأهم شكل نستطيع أن نتوصل من خلاله إلى هذا الرفض هو التعابير اليومية المتداولة أو الأمثال الشعبية التي كانت تلوكها الأفواه في الماضي البعيد والقريب والتي لازال لها وقع في حياتنا المعاصرة.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> جامعة الجزائر , جامعة الجزائر, جامعة الجزائر, جامعة البليدة Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-09 2024-04-09 61 3 611 626 THE CONCEPTUALIZATION OF POPULAR CULTURE IN LIGHT OF THE POLITICAL AWARENESS OF THE ALGERIAN INTELLIGENTSIA: CRITICISM OF IDEOLOGICAL PARADIGMS <p>This article starts from three broad argumentative points: First, it argues that the definition of the “Algerian intelligentsia” and its role are always linked to cultural practices more than to political practices, provided that the latter is attached with deep awareness; This is a resumption of the cultural bet predicted by Samuel Huntington in the context of his statement centered around the clash of civilizations. Second, our article does not view “popular culture” as a mere definitional exercise, but rather as a vital, purposeful, and performative concept. Finally, he asserts that “political awareness” contradicts many of the “ideological dimensions” into which a segment of the Algerian elite fell as a result of some conflicts that raged outside the cultural framework, which can be considered a form of this noble political awareness. Which means that popular cultures are always involved in power relations in one way or another.</p> Allek Nacira, Hamadou Aicha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-11 2024-04-11 61 3 627 642 ELECTRONIC ARBITRATION AS A MECHANISM FOR RESOLVING E-COMMERCE DISPUTES <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Due to the flourishing of electronic commerce and the accompanying disputes that require the use of the same means to resolve them, the use of electronic arbitration has become necessary. This has led many jurisdictions to establish the legal framework for this mechanism, and numerous electronic arbitration centres have been set up for this purpose. However, despite the regulation of electronic commerce in Algeria, its legislation still recognises traditional arbitration, which raises the question of the application of its system to electronic arbitration, starting from the arbitration agreement, through the proceedings of the dispute, to the issuance of the award, all of which can be done electronically, making it enforceable.</p> Meriem Cherif Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-11 2024-04-11 61 3 643 659 Achievement Motivation In A Sample Of Special Education Educators (Deaf And Blind Pupil Educators): A Comparative Study Between Deaf-Mute And Hearing-Impaired Pupil Educators And Blind Pupil Educators In El Oued County <p class="P68B1DB1-Normal3" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';">This study aims to search for differences in achievement motivation between the educators of visually impaired pupils and their counterparts, the educators of hearing impaired pupils, at several levels, namely: the sense of responsibility – the pursuit of excellence and ambition – perseverance – the sense of the importance of time – planning for the future, and identifying the main problems that may hinder the performance of their work. This includes the lack of cooperation of parents, which would affect the completion of their work motivationally and their desire to help these children with special needs. The latter are a group struggling with many physical and psychological problems that require the educator to take full care of them, which would help them later to integrate into regular schools. Therefore, we spot the light on the desire of educators to make achievements in order to take care of these pupils and study the difference between each of the educators of visually and hearing impaired pupils.</span></p> <p class="P68B1DB1-Normal3" style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';">&nbsp;</span></p> Messaouda MONTASSER, Boubaker BOUZENNA Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-11 2024-04-11 61 3 660 683 COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN LIGHT OF SOME VARIABLES. <p>This study aims to uncover the level of prevalence of cognitive distortions among students at the University of Sidi Bel Abbès.", in addition to detecting differences in the level of cognitive distortions based on variables such as gender and educational level.</p> <p>&nbsp;A descriptive approach was used, relying on Al-Tamouni (2019) Cognitive Distortions Scale. The study was conducted at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sidi Bel Abbès University, and involved a sample of 152 students.</p> <p>The results indicated that the prevalence of cognitive distortions is moderate. Furthermore, the results showed no significant differences in the level of cognitive distortions related to the gender variable, while there were differences in the level of cognitive distortions related to the educational level variable.</p> Dr. Asma Benhalilem, Dr. Amina Hartani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-11 2024-04-11 61 3 684 698 NAVIGATING THE COLLEGE EXPERIENCE: EXPLORING THE ROLES OF SENSE OF BELONGING, ACADEMIC STRESS, ACADEMIC MOTIVATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS <p>The College of Education is a social institution where learning takes place. However, the transition of individual students from different secondary schools, to the college of Education may come with a lot of stress, little to no motivation consequently raising the need for belonging to survive and thrive. The aim of this study was to explore the roles of sense of belonging, academic stress, academic motivation and demographics among college students. The researcher adopted the quantitative approach. The study used Wesley College of Education students in Kumasi. The target population for this study included all students at Wesley College of Education, 181 students found the sample of the study. Questionnaire were used to collect data. One-way and Two-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance were used in the analysis. The study revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between the demographics (Age, Gender, level of Edu. And First-generation status) of students and the academic stress, academic motivation and sense of belonging as all P-Values were greater than .05 (p&gt;.05). However, a statistically significant difference between males and females existed only for the dimensions of academic stress. It is recommended that since males were found to perceive academic stress slightly high as compared to females, then, males should be initiated into counselling seminars or stress coping workshops in order to be able to cope with academic stress.</p> Augustine Adjei, Christina Ammah, Joseph Nkyi Asamoah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-13 2024-04-13 61 3 699 713 The jurisprudential approach according to Ibn Marzouk Al-Hafeed in his book Al-Manza’ Al-Nabil, Sharh Mukhtasar by Sidi Khalil <p>Judging a method or method of jurisprudential writing among scholars in one of the most important jurisprudential schools, such as the Tilmisani school, is based on knowing the history of the development of the knowledge structure in it. It also requires examining the characteristics of the period in which Imam Ibn Marzouk, the grandson, lived, and so we tried in this study. Identifying one of his approaches to jurisprudential writing, so that this would be sufficient to give an accurate and clear picture of his jurisprudential standing, as well as to explain the various forms of previous jurisprudential classifications that prevailed in his era and time.</p> Mohammed Mehdi LAKHDAR BENNACEUR, Yassae LAKHDAR BENNACEUR Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-14 2024-04-14 61 3 714 721 THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPLES AND CONVENTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT IN TIMES OF ARMED CONFLICT <p>Armed conflicts revealed to us through the various develop human being's life on this globe, that the natural environment as a common heritage of humanity was a victim of these conflicts, so this study aimed at determining the most significant principles and convention of international humanitarian law related to the topic environment protection in times of armed conflict.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study concluded that despite the harmony of principles and conventions of international humanitarian law between environmental protection and humanitarian protection with its different elements. However, wars in the light of current technology have revealed numerous of violations concerning the natural environment.</p> Dr. Boughanem Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-14 2024-04-14 61 3 722 733 DIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF DIGITAL EDUCATION BARRIERS AMONG A SAMPLE OF PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT PROFESSORS - UNIVERSITY OF ANNABA -. <p>The current study aims to diagnose the barriers of digital education among a sample of professors from the model "Department of Psychology and Artophonics - University of Annaba". This is achieved by identifying organisational barriers, human barriers and economic barriers. The study followed a descriptive approach and data collection was based on a questionnaire administered to a simple random sample of 35 professors, representing 53.84% of the total. For the statistical analysis, the percentage descriptive statistical method was used. The results showed the presence of organisational barriers, mainly the lack of infrastructure for digital education, the unavailability of technological resources and the infrequent updating of digital learning platforms. Human barriers included insufficient technological skills, lack of skills in designing digital learning content and insufficient training in digital learning software. Economic barriers included the high cost of communication bills and technological resources, and the inability to allocate a budget specifically for digital education.</p> Dr. HARIOU DZAIR Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-14 2024-04-14 61 3 734 748 THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A healthy environment is a prerequisite for the enjoyment of human rights. This is due to the fact that the life and dignity of individuals can only be safeguarded if people are able to live in an environment that is characterised by certain fundamental features. Environmental degradation, including air, water and soil pollution, can affect the enjoyment of specific human rights such as the right to life, the right to food and the right to health.</p> <p>This study aims to shed light on the constitutional protection of environmental rights in Algeria by addressing the definition of the constitutional right to a healthy environment, its legal nature, and its implicit and explicit constitutional recognition.</p> THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-14 2024-04-14 61 3 749 761