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Akrout Farida


     The idea of social media came in the context of social, entertainment, cultural acquaintance, where the expansion of its use witnessed a terrible form that was not expected even by the owners of the production of these same networks, as it had a great impact outwardly and inwardly on the awareness of peoples of different audiences, environments, cultures and religions, so they took new ways and took new roles in research and dissemination of information.

Uses have evolved from mere entertainment to changes that have become significant in changing the social lives of individuals, groups, and even states and governments.

No medium can develop without a direct relationship with the public, as the inevitability and laws of the media market dictate this. The Internet has been characterized by high speed and infinite magnitude, and the development of its abilities to think and control the scales of time, and the lack of recognition of geographical, ethnic, religious and even age differences helped its users to think differently than it was, which is the essence of the social change taking place, which led to interaction in different ways as well and is not subject to the same social laws or even known values that were circulating before. These networks and their developers led the new world order, shaped its culture, guided its policies and controlled its economy.

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