The Educational Role of the Specialized Grammatical Dictionary in Facilitating the Teaching of Arabic Grammar "Al Moajam Almofasal fi Alnahw Al arabi" as a Model

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Dr. Mehassouel Samia


This research aims to identify the educational role of the specialized grammatical dictionary and the extent of its contribution to facilitating the teaching of grammar, using "Al Moajam Almofasal fi Alnahw Al arabi" by Fawal Babasti as a model ) through extracting manifestations of simplified grammar and demonstrating how the learner can benefit from them.

In the light of the present investigation, we found out that the dictionary has provided an exhaustive terminological inventory of Arabic Grammar. It also reflected many features that helped to simplify grammatical rules for learners through: including the easiest methods of arrrangement, using examples, poetic and Kuranic evidence, etc, adopting the linguistic definition prior to the technical one, parsing the examples; etc.

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