Adopting social responsibility in pharmaceutical companies between theory and reality

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Moulefera Fatima Zahra, Farsi Fatna


The study aimed at analyzing and highlighting the reality of adopting social responsibility in
pharmaceutical companies at the theoretical level, and then trying to project this onto reality
through facts and events. Since the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most important industries at the global level, it is a highly competitive industry with high returns, as it comes in third place after the arms and software industry, as it has received great interest in all countries due to the importance of medicine and its direct connection to the health of the individual. This type of industry is controlled by giant monopolistic companies. It possesses high capabilities in the field of research and development, committed to the application of social responsibility, especially as it has a noble goal linked to the goal of making money, which is to preserve human health. In order to answer the problem and hypotheses of the study, the descriptive approach was followed in the theoretical side and analytical in the applied side, and it was concluded that the pharmaceutical companies do not adopt social responsibility in respect of human rights, transparency, respect for regulations and laws. So that its profit goal blinded it from humanity and the preservation of the human spirit

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