Development of Bible Study Teaching Materials as an Effort to Shape Youth Spirituality at the Indonesian Methodist Church (GMI) Resort Tarutung

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Maria Widiastusi, Simion D. Harianja, Hanna Dewi Aritonang


This study aims  to produce Bible Study teaching materials as an effort to shape the spirituality of adolescents; to determine the quality of Bible Study teaching materials as an effort to form the spirituality of adolescents; and to explain the effectiveness of Bible Study teaching  materials as an effort to shape the  spirituality of adolescents. The type of research used in this research is research and development. The development and research model used in this study is the model developed by Sugiyono from the Borg and Gall model. This research is limited to seven steps, namely: potential and problem, data identification, product design, design validation, design revision, product trial and product revision. The subjects used as trials in this development research have 2 elements, namely material expert tests and Bible Study material design tests. While the object of this research and development is teaching materials for Bible Study as an effort to improve youth spirituality in the Indonesian Methodist Church (GMI) Resort Tarutung. This research and development resulted in a product in the form of a textbook in the form of a Bible Studybook as an effort to build youth spirituality at GMI Resort Tarutung. Based on the assessment of 5 PA teaching material validators, an average score of 3.61 was obtained with a percentage of 90.25% in the very good category, this shows that the quality of the Bible Study teaching materials produced is of very good quality and suitable for use by youth fellowship groups at GMI resort Tarutung. From the results of large group and small group trials, an average score of 3.77 was obtained with a percentage of 94.42% in the very good category, this figure shows that teaching materials / Bible Study books are included in the category of very effective and very useful.

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