The impact of sustainable tourism in preserving the urban heritage in the city of Biskra

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MEKIHEL Khadidja


This study seeks to know the reality of the process of attracting tourists to Biskra, taking the architectural and urban identity as a tool for that, and its role in the tourism industry and activating the attraction of tourists. The shape and development of cities in general, and desert cities in particular, helps greatly in understanding the phenomenon of architectural mediocrity and the disappearance of the features of the original cities, and the search for solutions to restore the aesthetic image with its own architectural and urban features, which would make it preserve its identity and its cultural and historical affiliation, and thus development Heritage tourism is one of the most important tributaries of tourism, and heritage elements are considered among the most important elements of tourist attractions, which has become known as heritage tourism. Tourists The research reached a set of results, the most important of which is that there is a relationship against statistical significance between heritage tourism and its role in the tourism industry and activating the process of attracting tourists. The study recommended a set of recommendations.

    The interest in restoring archaeological sites in Algeria has a major role in attracting tourists and activating the tourism process towards archaeological sites in giving more attention to the activities and heritage festivals that are held in historical sites, because of its great role in attracting tourists from activating the tourism process

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