Analysis of fertility trends in the state of Batna 1987-2008 using indirect estimates

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Walid Khassam, Elamraoui Salah Eddine


Fertility is one of the thorny issues due to the large number of committees that have convened and dissolved and did not reach radical solutions, which worries officials due to their social, security, economic, and political repercussions on our society.

This paper came to identify and evaluate the various previous demographic literature of studies and interventions, and the multiple attempts it contained to understand and study the contents of the fertility phenomenon, its nature and implications, and to monitor the problems associated with it, the importance of this study lies in monitoring population fertility in Algeria, specifically in the state of Batna, and its social and economic dimensions, ( There may be effects if the burden of population growth eases, but how that will happen remains unclear Economists and population analysts don't fully understand how the social, economic and cultural consequences will end).

To enable population policymakers and practitioners to have a more in-depth and detailed understanding of the dimensions and implications of this issue (as the population ages and the group of young workers decreases, some analysts are concerned about economic growth).

The element of fertility represents the main part of the population issue, so the focus is on this element and follow-up changes in it and monitoring and evaluating the features of the population situation in human societies, and the study concluded that the issue of population fertility, is ultimately only a behavioral issue characterized by its extreme variations and the overlap of factors affecting it, and the multiplicity of interpretations that it addresses,

Therefore, the study and understanding of the conditions that dictated the formation of its features "population fertility", will contribute to enabling students to explain this phenomenon, identify the factors associated with it, and develop and crystallize appropriate population policies to deal with it.

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