The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Legal Decision Making: An Empirical Study

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in legal decision making, from
predicting case outcomes to aiding in sentencing. However, the use of AI raises ethical
concerns regarding fairness, accountability, and transparency. This paper explores these
concerns in the context of AI in legal decision making. One ethical issue is the potential for
AI to perpetuate existing biases in the legal system. AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the
data they are trained on, and if the data reflects historical biases, the AI will perpetuate these
biases in its decision making. Another issue is accountability, as it can be difficult to
determine who is responsible for errors or bias in AI decision making. Transparency is
important to ensure that AI decisions are understandable and justifiable to those affected by
them. The ethical considerations of AI in legal decision making must be carefully addressed
to ensure that AI is used in a fair and just manner and does not perpetuate or amplify existing
biases and injustices

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