The effect of special exercises for a proposed device in improving some bio-kinetic variables and learning the performance of the Arabic jump skill on the floor mat device in artistic gymnastics for female students

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Assist. Prof. Dr. Wael Abbas Abdulhussein , Lec. Dr. Muntadher Mohammed Ali ,Zahraa Salah Abd Ali


Using a proposed device to learn the skill of the Arabic jump on the floor movement carpet device in artistic gymnastics.

The search problem: Through the presence of researchers as two teachers Observers of this sport in the gymnastics hall noticed that there is a difficulty in the students’ performance of the skill of the Arabic jump on the device . The rug of the earth's movements, according to the opinion of the researchers The reason for this is that skills are taught with the lack of assistive devices, as well as the lack of use of these devices in exercises according to bio variables. Kinematic, although it facilitates the learning process for these skills and works to shorten the time and effort in the learning process and enables the removal of difficulties encountered by the students during performance and helps in the process of diagnosing that performance as well as the use of devices increases the learner's desire and appetite for learning and enjoyment during performance . To study this problem through preparing special exercises using a proposed device to work on overcoming these difficulties and eliminating the weaknesses of the students while providing time and effort .

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