Search trip in Najm Abdullah Kazem's cash worlds (Study in the Light of Criticism)

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Rana Riyadh Fayyadh, Dr. Yahia walie Fattah Hedar


The definition of (criticism of criticism) is “knowledge of knowledge and an attempt to evaluate the evaluation, which at the level of action approximates two languages, the first is the language of the critical text and the second the language of the creative text. Thus, criticism of criticism takes both together, although its work is centered around the language of the critical text, then it takes from the creative text. Therefore, the second reading of the creative text comes, and there will be differences between the first and second reading, and agreements will also appear. There are two editors whose critical machine worked on one text, but the second writer who does the act of critiquing criticism will have a double work, ranging between the critical text and the creative text that is closest to closest. Thus, criticism of criticism has been concerned with studying criticism first and then the material of its critical instrument to the text of the creator” . At the same time, it must be pointed out that criticism is not "an interpretation of texts or an explanation of their contents, as much as it is a creative activity and a creative mental activity that seeks to produce knowledge of the text, or rewrite it, through a sophisticated cultural perspective, based on a clear critical position of the critic."

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