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Anant Malik


Perhaps the most pronounced outcome of artificial intelligence is automation. As machine learning eventually begins to exert more influence than ever, it will become progressively more crucial for an innovative workplace. Numerous common tasks, for example, can be executed in a superior way by machines than by people. Automation and artificial intelligence would, in the course of time, metamorphose the workplace itself.

Several specialists and business leaders have argued that we need to advance towards a workplace where people and machines work in synergy. In the same way as robots have become vital to assembling, algorithms and machine learning may become crucial for the digital enterprise.

Today, we can’t ascertain how intensely artificial intelligence will penetrate and automate the contemporary working environment, still, one thing is sure – the future workplace will emerge to be characteristically differentiated from the one we know today. Work processes upgraded by artificial intelligence and machine learning will exceedingly alter the ways in which we work, presenting fascinating experiences for clients as well as employees.

In its early designs, A.I. wasn’t about usability. It was about the algorithms. Nevertheless, today, diverse A.I.-empowered applications are increasingly focused around ease of use. In an ideal world, consumers won’t be required to recognize that they’re utilizing A.I. by any means – it will be seamless.

This paper would provide a deeper look into the digitalization of the workplace and how A.I. and related technologies can facilitate the journey of humanity into an increasingly automated world.

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