A Feasibility Study on GlobalGAP Adoption among Small Farmers in Pakistan

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Muhammad Bilal Irshad et al.


During the last couple of decades, certifications’ role across the globe had taken a remarkable place with respect to meeting the international market demands for food security and safety. The study analyzes the cost structure of GlobalGAP adoption, identify various farm level factors that may affect a farmer’s decision to get certified. Moreover, the study estimates the impact of certification on farm output. It has found that there is requirement to assess the properties of Global-GAP for Pakistani agriculture; to attain this a complete methodological idea is essential. This part will explain the analysis methods, research methodology, research design, and data collection. It would make the agriculture sector of Pakistan more export oriented, yielding higher returns to the gross domestic production of the county. In this context, the current study would yield a valuable guideline in order to reformulate policies that would ultimately help to improve global competency of agriculture sector of Pakistan. The benefit of this would be multifold. First, this would improve the livelihood conditions of the farming community. Secondly, adoption to good agricultural practices would contribute to food quality. And finally, it would make the agriculture sector of Pakistan more export oriented, yielding higher returns to the gross domestic production of the county.


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