Education 4.0: A Systematic Industrial Case Based Review of Barriers and Applications of Decentralized Trust Using Blockchain

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Deepika Sachdev, Abhirup Khanna, Shailendra Kumar Pokhriyal, Sai Shrinivas Sundaram, Tanupriya Choudhury


In the past couple of years, widespread technology adoption can be seen in the education sector. Accessibility of the internet and minimum data tariffs have empowered students across the globe to access information and enabled virtual learning. Education 4.0 is a new revolution that aligns learning with the needs of the fourth industrial revolution. However, this new revolution in the education sector has its own set of opportunities and barriers. The objective of this research is to systematically analyze barriers in Information Sharing in the Education Sector across key use cases of Record Keeping, IPR, and Identity Management. The research identifies barriers concerning the above use cases.


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