Sentiment based Music Player using AFINN Dictionary and Javascript

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Shakti Prasad Mishra, Alina Dash


In an individual’s life music plays an important role as it is a prime mode of entertainment and can also act as a mental therapeutic approach for those who always remain in anguish and stress. The current psychological state of mind of a person can easily be depicted by their facial expressions. But there are some people who prefer not to show their sentiment on their face but to express it in some text format. In this paper the objective was to design a user intuitive smart music player. This player interpreted the sentiment of the user  from the description of their mood provided by them. The music player took into account some key or important words from the description in order to deduce the sentiment of the user. Based on the result an ideal playlist of songs was generated which could boost one’s ardour. The person could browse the playlist inorder to play the song of his/her choice which made it more flexible to use. This player made it easier for the users to filter out the songs based on their mood and emotional state without manually creating their own playlist.

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