The Perspective of the Santri Tahfidz Qur'an on the Interface Display of the Android-based Al-Quran Memorization Application

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Darnoto Darnoto, Azzah Nor laila, Ana Rahmawati


This study aims to determine the views of the santri tahfid Qur'an on the appearance of the same version detection android application that has been tested in three tahfizdul Qur'an Islamic boarding schools in Jepara, Kudus and Pati Jawa Tenggah. The method used in this research is Research & Development. The data presented in this article is data obtained from one of the stages of the R & D research itself, namely the limited scale trial stage. Data collection techniques using interviews. Data analysis through reduction, display, and providing conclusions. The results showed (1) on average 19% of the students were interested in applications that were dominated by images. (2) 16% of the students of tahfidz al-Qur'an liked applications that were packaged with a game / game approach. (3) 19% more tahfidz students prefer a quiet and quiet way of learning. (4) 16% of the students liked the appearance of writing in the al-Qur'an memorization application.

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