Benefits and Challenges of Learning Indonesian Language with an Environmental System: An Action Research at High School in Surakarta

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Sarwiji Suwandi; Ahmad yunus; Memet Sudaryanto


Writing skill as one of the components in Indonesian language learning which has a central role in increasing students' creativity and critical thinking skills. Unfortunately, teachers are not observant enough in determining the context that is built to achieve the highest level of writing competence. The purpose of this study was to (1) compare and analyze the ability of high school students in writing environmentally sound texts, (2) to explain the benefits and challenges of learning Indonesian with an environmental perspective and its opportunities in educating high school students to be more contextual in building sensitivity and awareness in life. The study used a mix method research, which combined qualitative and quantitative research. The research procedures carried out were (1) analyzing teacher competence in developing learning tools, (2) text structure and linguistic characteristics, (3) actions taken by the teacher and the process of combining ideas to include ecological insights in the text of the observation report. The teacher provided the opportunity for students to find problem information, arguments, knowledge, and recommendations from the images that had been displayed at the beginning. The measuring instrument used was a language test and environmental skill. The test was developed based on the ecological context and looked at the development of the students in composing complex texts.

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